
Summaries and Reviews

from Books I've Read

Most of the important things I’ve learned have come from books and articles. After seeing Derek Sivers publicizes his book notes, I decided I would publicize all of my summaries from books and articles I was reading.
Dialogues by Stanislaw Lem

Date read: 2024-04-12

How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

I like this book because of its fascinating exploration of the philosophical implications surrounding the possibility of recreating individuals as perfect atom-wise copies. This is a thought-provoking book that delves into ethical dilemmas and existential questions. It makes readers think about the nature of identity, consciousness and the essence of human existence.
Dive into Design Patterns by Alexander Shvets

Date read: 2024-01-14

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

This is a excellent book for anyone wanting a thorough grasp of design patterns. Author provides clear explanations and practical examples, making complex concepts accessible for both beginners and experienced programmers. I also like pictures and the detailed descriptions of pattern implementations with code examples in this book.
Software Architecture Patterns by Mark Richards

Date read: 2023-11-23

How strongly I recommend it: 7/10

This is a brief guide that succinctly describes five common architectural patterns and provides their comparison in terms of aspects such as performance, scalability, ease of maintenance, etc.
Head First Servlets and JSP by Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates

Date read: 2023-11-02

How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

This book offers a comprehensive insight into the fundamentals of Java web development, making it an invaluable resource for understanding the historical context of Servlets and JSP. While the information in the book is outdated, it remains a worthwhile read for those interested in understanding the historical foundations of Servlets and JSP, and can still be valuable for learning the fundamentals of these technologies. Head First books are also known for their fun and engaging approach to learning.
The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols

Date read: 2023-10-24

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

This book is an excellent choice for anyone interested in Rust. This well-structured book guides readers through the language's unique features and provides practical insights, making it a comprehensive introduction to Rust.
Technological Singularity by Vernor Vinge

Date read: 2023-10-22

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

This article makes me think about an unprecedented technological acceleration, driven by artificial intelligence, could reshape our world in ways beyond our current comprehension. The article is a valuable resource for those interested in the intersection of technology and humanity's future.
The Road to Financial Freedom by Bodo Schafer

Date read: 2023-10-11

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

This is a powerful guide that not only imparts valuable financial wisdom but also emphasizes the importance of cultivating the right mindset for financial success. Schafer's practical advice and motivational insights make this book an essential read for those looking to take control of their financial future.
Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary by Linus Torvalds, David Diamond

Date read: 2023-08-05

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

This is an enthralling and inspiring memoir by Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux operating system. The book gives a fascinating look into Torvalds' journey from an unassuming student to a groundbreaking innovator in the world of open-source software. With humor and candid insights, Torvalds shares his experiences, challenges, and triumphs. A great read for tech enthusiasts and anyone curious about how open collaboration can change things.
The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford

Date read: 2023-07-10

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

This book takes readers on a captivating journey as they follow the protagonist through a company's IT department in complete disarray, facing constant failures and bottlenecks. With its insightful blend of storytelling and practical lessons, this book offers valuable insights into the principles of DevOps and how to transform chaotic organizations into efficient, high-performing teams. I think this book is a good starting point for anyone seeking to understand the challenges and opportunities in modern IT management.
The Design of Web APIs by Arnaud Lauret

Date read: 2023-05-03

How strongly I recommend it: 7/10

This is a useful book on how to design an efficient, reliable, and secure API that takes into account the view of the consumer. It explains the concepts of RESTful API and contains many answers to questions that arise during designing APIs in practice. From my point of view, some examples are oversimplified and some ideas duplicate again and again in different chapters which makes reading boring, but aside from that, it's excellent.
Азы программирования, 2nd Edition by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2023-02-18

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

This is an amazing book that covers such topics as the history of computing, the mathematical foundations of programming, the principles of building computing systems, as well as programming in Pascal and x86 assembly language. The new edition is just as great as the first one. I especially like discussion of some areas of mathematics in this book because of simplicity and accessibility. The compelling storytelling style, coupled with the author's unique philosophy, makes this book interesting and enthralling. This book provides a solid foundation for further study of computer science and programming. I recommend it to everyone who is just starting to learn programming, as well as to those who already have experience.
How to Take Smart Notes by Sönke Ahrens

Date read: 2022-07-25

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

It is an insightful and practical guide to transforming the way we take and use notes for enhanced learning and productivity. Ahrens introduces the concept of the Zettelkasten method, emphasizing the importance of developing a knowledge network through interconnected notes. The book's practical tips and insightful explanations make it a must-read for anyone seeking to improve their note-taking habits and knowledge management.
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 by Tina Seelig

Date read: 2022-07-10

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

It is an inspiring book that offers valuable life advice for young adults. The author's wisdom and personal anecdotes provide a practical guide on navigating challenges, making decisions, and finding purpose.
Scrum by Jeff Sutherland

Date read: 2022-06-18

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

The book provides valuable insights into the principles and practices of Scrum, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced practitioners. With real-world examples and practical tips, Sutherland's writing style makes it a compelling and must-read resource for anyone seeking to enhance their agile project management skills.
Как читать книги by Сергей Поварнин

Date read: 2022-06

How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

Java. A Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt

Date read: 2022-05

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Java in a Nutshell by Benjamin Evans, David Flanagan

Date read: 2022-02

How strongly I recommend it: 6/10

Remote: Office Not Required by Jason Fried, David Hansson

Date read: 2022-02

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Flask Web Development by Miguel Grinberg

Date read: 2022-02

How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava

Date read: 2021-12

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Kubernetes in Action by Marko Lukša

Date read: 2021-12

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena

Date read: 2021-12

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Python Cookbook by David Beazley, Brian Jones

Date read: 2021-11

How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

Designing Distributed Systems by Brendan Burns

Date read: 2021-11

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

The Go Programming Language by Alan Donovan, Brian Kernighan

Date read: 2021-11

How strongly I recommend it: 6/10

Introducing Python by Bill Lubanovic

Date read: 2021-11

How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition by Eric Matthes

Date read: 2021-11

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

Learning Python by Mark Lutz

Date read: 2021-10

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

OpenGL 4 Shading Language Cookbook by David Wolff

Date read: 2021-07

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

Introduction to Ray Tracing by Andrew Glassner

Date read: 2021-06

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

CUDA by Example by Jason Sanders, Edward Kandrot

Date read: 2021-06

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Date read: 2021-05

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming by John Torjo

Date read: 2021-05

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

CUDA C++ Best Practices Guide Design Guide

Date read: 2021-04

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

CUDA Compiler Driver NVCC Reference Guide

Date read: 2021-04

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

CUDA C++ Programming Guide

Date read: 2021-04

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Технология программирования CUDA

Date read: 2021-04

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Миллионы миллиардов by Максим Михеенко

Date read: 2021-03

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Learning C++ by Creating Games with UE4 by William Sherif

Date read: 2021-03

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Unreal Engine 4 Game Development in 24 Hours by Aram Cookson, Ryan DowlingSoka, Clinton Crumpler

Date read: 2021-02

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Version Control with Subversion by Michael Pilato, Ben Collins-Sussman, et al.

Date read: 2021-01

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi

Date read: 2020-12

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Введение в C++, 5nd Edition by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2020-12

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

OpenGL SuperBible by Richard Wright, Benjamin Lipchak

Date read: 2020-12

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

Blood, Sweat, and Pixels by Jason Schreier

Date read: 2020-11

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot by Allen Holub

Date read: 2020-10

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Техника и философия хакерских by Kris Kaspersky

Date read: 2020-10

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Qt 5.3. Профессиональное программирование на C++ by Максим Шлее

Date read: 2020-09

How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

LATEX За Три Дня by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2020-08

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers

Date read: 2020-07

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Компьютерные сети by Виктор Олифер, Наталья Олифер

Date read: 2020-06

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Оформление Программного Кода by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2020-06

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Практикум На ЭВМ. Многопользовательский Игровой Сервер by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2020-06

How strongly I recommend it: 7/10

Zero to One by Peter Thiel, Blake Masters

Date read: 2020-05

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Linux глазами хакера by Михаил Фленов

Date read: 2020-04

How strongly I recommend it: 6/10

C++ Primer Plus by Stephen Prata

Date read: 2020-03

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup

Date read: 2020-02

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

C++ for Real Programmers by Bjarne Stroustrup

Date read: 2020-01

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

Fedora 8. Руководство пользователя by Денис Колисниченко

Date read: 2020-01

How strongly I recommend it: 6/10

FreeBSD. От новичка к профессионалу by Денис Колисниченко

Date read: 2019-12

How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

Системы и Сети by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2019-12

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Введение в C++, 4nd Edition by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2019-12

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier

Date read: 2019-11

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Низкоуровневое программирование by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2019-11

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Азы программирования by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2019-10

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming by Gregory Andrews

Date read: 2019-09

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

The Architecture of Open Source Applications, Volume II by Amy Brown, Greg Wilson

Date read: 2019-08

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

The Architecture of Open Source Applications by Amy Brown, Greg Wilson

Date read: 2019-08

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

21st Century C by Ben Klemens

Date read: 2019-07

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Pro Git by Scott Chacon

Date read: 2019-05

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond

Date read: 2019-05

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Программирование На Языке Ассемблера NASM Для ОС UNIX by Андрей Столяров

Date read: 2019-05

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

Mythical Man-Month by Frederick Brooks

Date read: 2019-03

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie

Date read: 2019-02

How strongly I recommend it: 9/10

Занимательная Электроника by Юрий Ревич

Date read: 2018-12

How strongly I recommend it: 10/10

MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications by Amos Gilat

Date read: 2018-05

How strongly I recommend it: 8/10